School will resume on Monday, November 28, 2016. Students should complete a spelling, reading, and math homework assignment each night. Please check their binder for the homework packet. Thanks for your support!
Ms. Dailey
Skills for the Week
Story: Abuelo and the Three Bears
Reading: Summary (beginning, middle, end)
Language Arts: r-controlled vowels (-ear, -eer, -ere)
Grammar: present-tense verbs, using commas in a series,
Writing: Non-fiction (Research)
Math: Place Value
Science: Force and Motion
Social Studies: Government (Rules and Laws)
Related Arts
Monday: D Day- Art
Tuesday: E Day- Music
Wednesday: F Day- Computer
Thursday: A Day- PE
Friday: NO Rotation, Early Dismissal
Dates to Remember
November 23-25-Thanksgiving BreakDecember 1-Early Dismissal @ 11:30am
December 8-Chick-fil-A Family Night
Please note that the spelling choice board homework has changed. Students will now complete a spelling - vocabulary choice board. A copy of this sheet will be placed in your child's binder. When completing the vocabulary portion, students may use the glossary in their Treasures book, a dictionary,, or Each night, students should complete (1) reading comprehensions sheet, (1) spelling - vocabulary choice board activity and (1) math activity sheet.
Reading comprehensions sheets and spelling-vocabulary assignments should be returned Friday in your child's blue communication folder. Math should be returned DAILY.