Friday, September 27, 2019


Happy Friday!  

Today was our first STEAM Day activity for this year. Students had an Amazing Time! They were introduced to engineering by working in teams of 4-6 to solve a problem. They created a tool using a string and a rubber band that could be used to stack a group of cups into a pyramid. Many of the teams were able to accomplish this challenge. Please ask your child about today's experience.

Please check with  your child  to see if they are in need of headphones.  They are an essential part of using the Chromebook.  

Field Studies
Payments for the 2019- 2020 Field Studies are due by November 11th and should  be made online through Parent Portal under the “Student Fees” section.

Skills for the Week 
  •  Phonics and Decoding: Inflectional Endings -ng and -nk
  • Comprehension Strategy:   Summarizing, Compare and Contrast 
  • Social Studies:  Communities  Urban, Rural, Surburban
  • Science:  Solids, Liquids, and  Gases
  • Writing:  Narratives

This week’s reading selection: A Cherokee Stickball Game 

Big Idea: How can you work better with others? Ask your child how this week’s reading selection helps him or her answer this question. 

Summary: Little Mouse wants to play in the big stickball game between the Animals and the Birds. He is disappointed when Big Bear turns him away for being too small. However, Pretty Feathered Eagle finds a creative solution to Little Mouse’s problem. 

Essential Questions: Why is it important to be kind and accepting of others? In what ways do teams benefit from diversity? DISCUSS with your child how teammates can show respect for one another. 

Vocabulary Focus: 

1. roared - verb laughed loudly 
2. disappointed -  verb failed to fill a hope or expectation
3. humbly -  adverb in a respectful way 
4. pity  - noun a feeling of sorrow or sympathy for the troubles of another 
5. furious -  adjective very angry

Reading:  You may begin reading your story of the week.    We will read it on day two (tomorrow) as a class. 

*Vocabulary:  Complete a choice board activity.  *Math:  Eureka Math Activity Sheet

1. What does it mean to say that Pretty Feathered Eagle had a twinkle in his eye? 

2. In your own words, tell how Little Mouse got his wings. 

3.  Was Flying Bat a good stickball player? Explain your answer.

*Vocabulary:  Complete a choice board activity.  *Math:  Eureka Math Activity Sheet



1. Why do you think the animals lost the game? 

2.  How did Little Mouse know that the Birds were getting ready for the game?

3. What are two important questions one might ask about Cherokee culture?

*Vocabulary:  Complete a choice board activity.  *Math:  Eureka Math Activity Sheet

Re Read your story for the week.  

*You will take your reading and vocabulary assessment tomorrow.  

*Vocabulary:  Study     *Math: Eureka Math Activity Sheet (Due tomorrow)

Dates To Remember Clipart #1

Friday, October 4th
Fall Picture Day

Cookie Dough Pick Up Day    
Tuesday, October 82:00 – 6:00pm

Literacy Night
Thursday, October 106:00 – 7:30pm

Friday, September 20, 2019

Hello Families! 

Hooray! We have come to the end of another GREAT week.

A Special Thanks  to those parents who were able to come out to Open House.     It was great seeing all of you!  

Class Tag

Please log into your child's Class-Tag account  to sign up for a 15 minute Parent /Teacher Conference time slot.   Class-Tag  registration forms were sent home on Tuesday.   Please let me know if you would prefer a phone conference. 

Early Dismissal
Friday,  September 27th will be half -day dismissal @  11:30am .  Please send in a note or email  if your child's transportation changes on that day.  

Field Studies
Listed below are the field study dates and costs for the 2019- 2020 school year. This will cover all field studies for the year.   If there are any changes to the trip(s) I will let you know.  Payments are due by November 11th and should  be made online through Parent Portal under the “Student Fees” section. Reminders will be issued prior to each actual field study date. 

December 11, 12, OR 13 EdVenture (2 classes per date) $8.00

March 3, 4, OR 5             CiCi’s Pizza (2 classes per date) $8.00
April 23 Riverbanks Zoo $2.00
Total cost             $18.00 

Skills for the Week 
  • Phonics and Decoding:  Phonics and Decoding: Inflectional Endings -s and -es
  • Comprehension Strategy:  Comprehension Strategy • Asking Questions
  • Social Studies:  Communities
  • Science:  Solids, Liquids, and  Gases
  • Writing:  Narratives

This week’s reading selection: The Bat, Birds, and Beasts

Summary: The Birds and the Beasts compete in a basketball game each year. Bat wants to play also, but does not know which team to choose since he has characteristics of both birds and beasts. Bat’s decision has longterm consequences and teaches him that winning isn’t everything. Essential Question: How can you show loyalty to your teammates?

Vocabulary Focus:
annual -  happening once a year
emphasize  -  to give special attention or importance to
strategy -   a skillful plan to achieve a goal
inquired  -  asked for information
loyal -  showing support and affection for a person or group
accepted  -  willingly took with favor or approval

Homework Assignments

Reading:  You may begin reading your story of the week.    We will read it on day two (tomorrow) as a class. 

*Vocabulary:  Complete a choice board activity. 
 *Math:  Eureka Math Activity Sheet


1.  This story is a fable. A fable teaches a lesson.   What lesson does Bat learn in this fable?

2. Which sentence from the story shows that Bat was very competitive?
3.  How were the Birds and Beasts different in the story?

4.   What role does Snake play in the story?

*Vocabulary:  Study         *Math: Eureka Math Activity Sheet (Due tomorrow)

*Reading            Cause is why it happened         Effect is what happened
1.  Bat was  playing on the Beasts team. What causes can you identify from the text on pages 68 and 69? 

2.  On page 69, Bat fouls Hummingbird during the basketball game.   What effects does this have?

3.   On page 70: Lion roared furiously.  What is the cause of Lion’s behavior?

4.  Why does Bat have to go live in a cave at the end of the story?

*Vocabulary:   Study          *Math:   Eureka Math Activity Sheet (Due tomorrow)


*Reading:    Re Read your story for the week.  
You will take your reading and vocabulary assessment tomorrow.  

*Vocabulary:  Study     *Math: Eureka Math Activity Sheet (Due tomorrow)

Dates To Remember Clipart #1School Spirit Week September 23-27, 2019 

Students should bring in $1.00 a day.  All proceeds from Spirit Week will be donated to the United Way of the Midlands.


Walk Into school Early on Monday, with your craziest pair of socks!

Tuesday:  Jersey Day 

Wear your favorite team jersey or hat. You may wear a Jersey from a team you play 

Wednesday:  Career Day   *Please be respectful of our school dress code

Thursday:  Twin Day    Dress like a friend.  

Friday: Killian Pride Day!! 
Wear Any Killian Shirt or T-Shirt      *Today is a half day-Dismissal @ 11:30AM

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Parent Teacher Conference

Hello Parents! 
      Please log into your child's Classtag account  to sign up for a 15 minute Parent /Teacher Conference time slot.  Please let me know if you would prefer a phone conference, 
Ms. Dailey

Friday, September 13, 2019

Related image
Hello Families!

We just wrapped up another great week of teaching and learning at Killian.  I am looking forward  to another productive week beginning Monday. 

Open House
Open House Orientation will be Thursday,  September 19, 2019 @  5:30pm - 7:30pm (EDT).  

Field Studies
Listed below are the field study dates and costs for the 2019- 2020 school year. This will cover all field studies for the year.   If there are any changes to the trip(s) I will let you know.  Payments are due by November 11th and should  be made online through Parent Portal under the “Student Fees” section. Reminders will be issued prior to each actual field study date. 

December 11, 12, OR 13 EdVenture (2 classes per date) $8.00
March 3, 4, OR 5             CiCi’s Pizza (2 classes per date) $8.00
April 23 Riverbanks Zoo $2.00
Total cost             $18.00 

Skills for the Week 
Social Studies:  Landforms and Bodies of Water
Science:  Solids, Liquids, and  Gases
Phonics and Decoding: /j/ spelled ■dge; /k/ spelled ■ck; /ch/ spelled ■tch
Comprehension Strategy:  Main Idea and Details; Compare and Contrast  
Writing:  Narratives

Story of the Week:  The  Ants and the Aphids  

1. symbiosis -   a close relationship between two unlike organisms that benefits each
2. scurry  -  to move in a quick, hurried way
3. liquid  -   a form of matter that flows and is not a solid or a gas 
4. partners  - people or other organisms that join or share with each other
5. shelter - something that covers or protects 
6. relationship - a connection between two or more things
7. honeydew -  a sweet substance secreted on plants by plant-sucking insects
8. predators  - an animal that lives by preying on other animals
9. colony – a group of animals or plants of the same kind that live together 
10.  team -  a group that plays, acts, or works together

Homework Assignments
Re-read the story of the week to answer  the reading comprehension questions.  Use your vocabulary choice board  to complete ONE choice board activities  for the week.    Completing 2 - 3 is  optional.   You  will need to know how to use each word in a sentence.       

Reading:  You may begin reading your story of the week.    We will read it on day two (tomorrow) as a class. 

*Vocabulary:  Complete a choice board activity. 
*Math:  Eureka Math Activity Sheet

1.  The main idea of this story? 

2. Why do you think the ants and aphides need each other?
3. Which vocabulary  words means animals that hunt other animals?

*Vocabulary:  Study         *Math: Eureka Math Activity Sheet (Due tomorrow)

1.   Why do ants carry aphids to new plants?

2.  Ant colonies are usually underground. How does this help to keep aphid eggs safe?

3.  What is a big difference between ants and ladybugs when it comes to aphids?

*Vocabulary:   Study          *Math:   Eureka Math Activity Sheet (Due tomorrow)


*Reading:    Re Read your story for the week.  
You will take your reading and vocabulary assessment tomorrow.  

*Vocabulary:  Study     *Math: Eureka Math Activity Sheet (Due tomorrow)

Friday, September 6, 2019

September 9, 2019

Hello Families!

We just wrapped up a short but productive week  at Killian. 

A Special Thanks  to those parents who  were able to come out to  First Friday's Breakfast.   It was great seeing all of you!   

Blue Communication Folder
Check your child's book bag  for their blue communication folder.  Please  review and  sign all assessments.   Folders should be  returned  each  Monday.    If you need additional time with your child's folder, please let me know.  

Weekly  Assessments
Assessments  for reading comprehension and vocabulary will be given  each  Friday.  Students are required to read each  test question independently (unless they have an IEP).  Therefore, I encourage you to  speak to your child  about taking their time and reading each question carefully.   They are  allowed to use their book when answering their reading comprehension questions.  Reading books will come home on Monday and should be returned daily.   Math assessment will be given  at the end of each unit.  

Skills for the Week
Reading -     Cause and Effect
Writing - Narratives Math - Add and subtract fluently through 99
Science - Solids and liquids
Social Studies - Map Skills
Vocabulary Words 
huddled              safety                     gathered                shelter                       observed              merchant           timber                    fetched                   platform                   admired 

Story of the Week:  The Mice Who Lived in the Shoe  

Homework Assignments
Re-read the story of the week to answer  the reading comprehension questions.   On Monday,  your child will receive a vocabulary choice board  activity sheet in their binder. You may also click on the tab above to view the sheet.  They will only need to complete ONE choice board activity for the week using the vocabulary words above.  Completing 2 - 3 is  optional.  They will need to know how to use each word in a sentence.       

Example:   The birdwatcher (observed , huddled) a mother robin in a tree.    

Reading:  You may begin reading your story of the week.    We will read it on day two (tomorrow) as a class. 

*Vocabulary:  Complete a choice board activity. 

*Math:  Eureka Math Activity Sheet (Due tomorrow)


1. What was the effect of Uncle Jack and Aunt Jane hearing that the mice were building a house? 

2. What caused Sue and Pip to serve tea? 

3.  In the beginning of the story, what is the biggest problem that the mouse family faces

*Vocabulary:  Study   

*Math: Eureka Math Activity Sheet (Due tomorrow)


1.  Write two examples from the story of characters working together. 

2. What are two materials that the mice use for their house? 

3.  Write  the events in the order in which they happened.   
 __  The next day, a junk merchant came to take away all their broken furniture. 
 __  They started to build a house. 
 __  Pa asked everyone to draw their dream house. 
__   Their relatives came from across the valley.

*Vocabulary:   Study   

*Math:   Eureka Math Activity Sheet (Due tomorrow)

*Reading:    Re Read your story for the week.  
You will take your reading and vocabulary assessment tomorrow.  

*Vocabulary:  Study 

*Math: Eureka Math Activity Sheet (Due tomorrow)