Friday, November 1, 2019

November 4, 2019
Image result for november clip art
We just ended another  PRODUCTIVE  week of teaching and learning at Killian.  

A BIG THANKS to those students who showed school spirit during Red Ribbon Week.  I posted a few pictures on Class tag for you to view.   

Field Studies
Payments for the 2019- 2020 Field Studies are due by November 11th and should be made online through Parent Portal under the “Student Fees” section.

In the next few weeks, Killian will be celebrating AVID Week.  The AVID team members are requesting that you send in a photo of yourself in your  college gear or work attire to be displayed on our AVID wall no later than November 12th.  You may also email your photo to me @  

Reading Works Passages
Your child can login to Reading Works to get extra practice with their reading  skills.   This site  has  nonfiction & fiction passages with curriculum and supports designed to improve comprehension.   Your child will work on  some of the passages at school.  However, they may work on any passage  at home that he / she chooses.   This is non graded and serves as practice.   

How to get students to their assignments
1. Have students go to
2. Students enter class code LQHH4X
3. Tell your students that their default password is 1234

Skills for the Week
Math: Compare two numbers with up to three digits using words and symbols
Phonics and Decoding: /a/ /i/ /o/ /u/   kn and gn
Comprehension Skills:  Compare and Contrast 
Writing: Non Fiction
Science: Forces in Motion
Social Studies: United  States Citizens

This week’s reading selection: What Makes the Earth Shake?

Big Idea: In what ways can Earth’s surface change? Ask your child how this week’s reading selection helps him or her answer this question. 

Summary: Ancient cultures made up myths that offered explanations for natural occurrences. A variety of restless animals and a giant with a sore neck are some of the characters featured in myths that explain why earthquakes happen. 

Essential Question: Why do you think people make up stories to explain the world around them? 

Vocabulary Focus:
1. spied -  verb caught sight of; spotted 
2. restless -  adjective not able to rest
3. settled  - verb came to rest or sank, or made calm
4.  secures -  verb holds still 
5. aloft -  adverb far above the ground; high up 
6. shivers  -  verb shakes or trembles

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Reading:  Reread the story of the week and complete Text Connections 1 - 4 at the end of the story.

*Vocabulary:   Choice Board Activity
*Math: Eureka Math Activity Sheet (Due tomorrow)

1. What happens when Kashima leaves his place? 
2.  How does the West African giant cause earthquakes? 
3.  Describe how the animals stack up in the Indian myth.

*Vocabulary:   Choice Board Activity  (Optional)
*Math: Eureka Math Activity Sheet (Due tomorrow)

1. How did Kwawar make Earth? 
2. Explain the  difference between magma and lava is
3. Why do you think so many of the earthquake myths were based on animals

*Vocabulary:   Choice Board Activity  (Optional)
*Math: Eureka Math Activity Sheet (Due tomorrow)

Reading:  Re Read your story for the week.  

*You will take your reading and vocabulary assessment tomorrow.  

*Vocabulary:  Study     
*Math: Eureka Math Activity Sheet (Due tomorrow)
Friday  No Homework

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