Monday, December 2, 2019

December 2, 2019
Christmas clipart holly berry #2
Field Studies
On December 11th, we will go on a field trip to EdVenture. Please allow your child to wear his/her Killian shirt. If you cannot locate a shirt, please school uniform. The cost for each chaperone is $11.50 which should be paid directly to EdVenture.

Payments for the 2019- 2020 Field Studies are currently due and should be made online through Parent Portal.   After making your payment, you  must electronically sign your childÅ› permission form.   Please use the steps below to assist you with this process.  

1. Log into Parent Portal at
2. Scroll down on the left side of the screen. You will click on “Student Fees”
3. To sign permission form(s) click on the Permission Form icon. The permission slip form will pop up.
4. Be sure to complete the form in full and click the BLUE SUBMIT button at the bottom when done.

This week’s reading selection: Volcano Rising 

Summary: Volcanoes occur underwater and on land—even under glaciers! Although they are often considered to be destructive, most volcanoes are creative. That is, they form islands and mountains where there were none before. 

Essential Question: In what ways can volcanoes change the surface of Earth? DISCUSS with your child  - ways that a volcano can be both destructive and creative. 
Image result for Vocabulary  words clip art

catastrophes  - noun  - great, often sudden, disasters 
destructive  - adjective -  causing great damage or ruin 
creative  - adjective  - having the power to make something new 
majestic  - adjective  - grand 
magma  - noun - melted rock below the surface of Earth
gases  - noun - forms of matter that are not solid or liquid
seep  - verb -  to flow or spread slowly
swelling  - verb  - rising gradually and evenly above the surrounding level 
bulge  - noun - a rounded part that swells out 
streams -  verb  - moves steadily; flows 
dome -  noun  - something that looks like an upside-down cup
witness -  verb -  to be present to see or hear something

Image result for homework clipart

1.What does the word majestic mean in this sentence? A majestic tree was at the edge of the lake.
2. What is the first sign that a volcano is going to appear?
3. What happens when lava hits the ocean?
4.  Can creative eruptions be stopped?

*Vocabulary:   Choice Board Activity
*Math:   Eureka Math Activity Sheet 

1. What is the most dangerous volcano called in the selection?
2. What does the word magma most likely mean in this sentence? Magma moved down the side of the volcano.
3. What is magma?
4.  What is lava?

*Vocabulary:   Choice Board Activity
*Math:   Eureka Math Activity Sheet 

1.  Do people ever get close to volcano eruptions?
2.  How does magma move from deep within earth to the surface?
3.  What is a synonym for catastrophe in this sentence? Good planning helped to avoid a catastrophe.
4.  What is a synonym for destructive in this sentence? A destructive forest fire happened last year.

*Vocabulary:   Choice Board Activity
*Math:   Eureka Math Activity Sheet 

Reading:  Re Read your story for the week.  
You will take your reading and vocabulary assessment tomorrow.  

*Vocabulary:  Study     
*Math: Eureka Math Activity Sheet

No Homework

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