January 24, 2020
Report Cards
Report cards were sent home in your child's blue communication folder on Thursday. The report card should be kept at home. The envelope that the report was sent in should be signed and returned.
Report Cards
Report cards were sent home in your child's blue communication folder on Thursday. The report card should be kept at home. The envelope that the report was sent in should be signed and returned.
Congratulations to those students who made the honor roll.
When taking the reading comprehension assessments, students are required to read each test question independently (unless they have an IEP). Therefore, I encourage you to speak to your child about taking their time and reading each question carefully. They are allowed to use their book when answering their reading questions. All open ended questions must be written in complete sentences.
Please log into Parent Portal to check your child's academic progress. Grades are entered into the system each week.
This week’s reading selection: Victor’s Journal
Summary: Victor lives across the street from the field where a new school is being built. He describes each stage of construction for his grandmother and aunt in an online journal.
Essential Question: In what ways might a new school benefit a community? DISCUSS with your child the most important or fun features of his or her school building.
1. while noun- a period of time
2. blueprints noun - papers that show the plan for building something
3. cement noun- a powder made by burning a mixture of limestone and clay
4. lever noun - a rod or bar attached to a machine, used to work or control it
5. frame noun - the skeleton of a building
6. insulated verb - covered to slow or stop the flow of electricity, heat, or sound
Reread the story of the week.
Complete Text Connections question 1 - 4 at the end of the story.
*Vocabulary: Choice Board Activity
*Math: Eureka Math Activity Sheet
1. Which of these words means a powder used in construction?
A cement
B basin
C velvet
D statement
2. What is a synonym for blueprints in this sentence? The workers looked carefully at the blueprints.
A tools
B walls
C plans
D routes
3. What does the word frame most likely mean in this sentence? The frame of the house was the first thing that the workers made.
4. Which of these statements about the journal is true?
A It is written from the school’s point of view.
B It tells about the school that the writer attends now.
C It describes what happened before the writer was born.
D It is written from the first person point of view
*Vocabulary: Choice Board Activity
*Math: Eureka Math Activity Sheet
1.Why is the town building a new school?2. How does the writer describe the cranes in the journal?
3. Write one fact and one opinion about the interview in the journal.
*Vocabulary: Choice Board Activity
*Math: Eureka Math Activity Sheet
Reading: Re Read your story for the week.
You will take your reading and vocabulary assessment tomorrow.
*Vocabulary: Study
*Math: Eureka Math Activity Sheet
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