Thursday, March 14, 2019

Greetings!  We just ended another GREAT week at Killian!  

Friday, March 15th is a Student Holiday.  

Year Book
Year book order forms were sent home on  last THURSDAY.  Online payment is the preferred method of payment via or Parent Portal.  

Market Day
On Wednesday,  March 27 th,  students will have an opportunity to participate in “Market Day”. This will be a great way to help students get a understanding of economics by creating a business plan, producing a good or service and selling it to their classmates in a “market place” setting.  Market Day will be a fun and exciting  activity that will  give students  a hands-on experience of how the economy works.    Please check your child's binder on Thursday, March 7th for a copy of this information.

Skills for the Week
Story: Dig Wait Listen
Math: Line Plots
Science: Weather
Social Studies: Economics
Reading: Author's Purpose
Phonics: Identify syllables
Writing: Opinion Writing



Reading - Complete Comprehension Check  Questions 1 - 4 

Vocabulary:   Choice Board

Math: Activity Sheet



1. What does the toad hear first, second, and third?

2. The rain finally came to the desert. Summarize what the toads do after they dig out of the sand.

Vocabulary:   Choice Board

Math: Activity Sheet



1. Why do you think the author wrote this book? (persuade, entertain, or explain (give information).
2. Tell how the tadpoles grow into toads. (Use the words First, Next, and Then.

Vocabulary:   Choice Board

Math: Activity Sheet


Reading: Make a list of  onomatopoeia ( eg. slam, splash, bam, babble) words you see in the story.  

Math: Activity Sheet

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