Saturday, September 24, 2016

Week of SEPTEMBER 26TH   - 30TH  

Dear Parent(s)
I would like to thank all of you for taking time out of your busy schedule to meet/speak with me on Thursday for parent conferences.  If you were unable to attend,  please notify me of a day/time you would like to come in or have a phone conference.    
Thanks for your support!  
Ms. Dailey

Story for the Week:  My Name is Yoon

Reading:  Making predictions
Word Study:  Long o  and short o sound
Writing:   Writing stories with dialogue by using speech bubbles.
Grammar:  Quotation Marks
Math:  Measurement skills to solve two-step word problems.
Science:  Solid,  liquid, and Gas
Social Studies:  Changes over time in their local community

Vocabulary Words
(Reading  Comprehension  and Vocabulary Assessment on  Friday )
cuddle – hold closely in your arms
favorite – person or thing that you like the best
patient – waiting calmly
practiced – do something over and over to be good at it
wrinkled – gets lines or creases in it
settled  - made yourself at home

*READING:  Students will receive a set of  reading passages to complete throughout the week.  You may complete these sheets in any order.    Please  use the  (Guide to Answering Reading Comprehension Questions)    when answering  each question which can be found in your child's binder.   All homework assignments should be placed in your child's communication folder and returned on Friday.  
SPELLING:  Students will receive a list of spelling words which will be attached to their homework packet.  They should  use their choice board  chart to complete an activity each night.   
MATH: Students will complete an activity sheet each night.  
September 26-30 is Spirit Week.  Please view the Spirit Week Flyer more information.   You may pay $5.00 for the entire week or $1.00 per day. All proceeds will be donated to the United Way of the Midland
September 26-Chick Fil A Family Night 5-8pm
                            Dress for Success $1.00
September 27-Happy Socks $1.00
September 28-Pajama Day $1.00
September 29-Library Field Study
                            Twin Day $1.00
September 30-Favorite Team Jersey/Hat Day $1.00

*Thursday is our first field study! We will go to the Richland County Public Library's main branch downtown. Please allow your child to wear his/her Killian shirt that everyone received last year. If you can not locate the shirt or you do not have one, please wear a royal blue shirt, if possible. We will eat lunch when we return to school around 12:30pm.
*Assessments should be reviewed, signed, and returned on Friday.   
(Please place it in the pocket of the communication folder.)

Contact Information
*NUMBER: 803-699-2981

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Ms. Dailey's  Class News 

September 12, 2016   -    September  16, 2016 


I would like to thank those parents who were able to attend Open House on  Thursday, September 8, 2016.   Your attendance was greatly appreciated. 
Last week,  students took MAP Reading and Math.   I will continue to assess students using  the DRA test this week.  This test takes a little longer  due to each student being tested  individually.  Test data will be shared at the parent conference on Thursday, September 22nd.

Standards and Skills for the Week 

Standards: 2.MDA.1 Order three objects by length using indirect comparison
2.MDA.2  Use nonstandard physical models to show the length of an object as the number of same size units of length with no gaps or overlaps
Objective: SW use centimeter cubes to measure objects.

Standards: 2.P.3A.2 Develop and use models to exemplify how matter can be mixed together and separated again based on the properties of the mixture.
3.P.3A.3 Conduct structured investigations to test how adding or removing heat can cause changes in solids and liquids.
Objectives: SW be able to explain what a physical change is.

Social Studies:
Standards: 2-1.3: Recognize the features of urban, suburban, and rural areas of the local region.
Objectives: Students will recognize features of a Rural  community.
RI 8.2 Use index, headings, bullets, and captions to locate key facts and information; explain the relationship between these features and the text.
Objective: SW identify the main idea and details in an informational text.

Word Study:
Standards: RL 3 Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds.
Objective:  SW Build and Blend words with the short a and long a sounds

Story for the Week
“Family Farm Then and Now.”
(Reading Comprehension Assessment on Thursday)

Vocabulary Words
(Assessment on Thursday)
1. harvest- (verb) the gathering of a crop 2. crops- (plural noun) plants grown and gathered to be used for food or sold to earn money 3. knowledge- (noun) having information about something 4. machines- (plural noun) devices that do particular jobs 5. irrigate- (verb) to supply water by artificial means

Homework:   Monday - Thursday 
Check your child's student planner for  differentiated  homework assignments.  
*READING:  Students will receive a set of  reading passages to complete throughout the week.   Please  use the  (Guide to  Answering Reading Comprehension Questions) when answering each question. All homework assignments are due on Friday.

* SPELLING:  Students will receive a list of spelling words.  They should  use their choice board  chart to complete an activity each night.   
September 12-Fall Pictures 
September 15- Field Trip Forms and Money Due
September 22-Early Dismissal @ 11:30am
September 22-Parent Conferences
September 26-Chick Fil A Family Night 5-8pm

September 29-Library Field Study

    *  If you have not signed your child's RUP form, please do it as soon as possible. You may log into Parent Portal to complete the process. You may access Parent Portal from the Richland Two homepage. Once you are logged into Parent Portal, click on "Returning Student Annual Update" and complete the information.           

*Assessments should be review, signed, and returned on Friday.   
(Please place it in the pocket of the communication folder.)

*Communication folders will be sent home each Thursday and should be returned on Friday.

   *Student planners should be reviewed and signed daily.

   * Please remember to send  in your child a healthy snack to eat each day during independent reading time. 

Contact Information
*NUMBER: 803-699-2981
(updated by Monday)
Please Subscribe to my Blog

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Ms. Dailey's Class News -  September 6th  - September 9th 

This week,  students will take the  Reading MAP test on Wednesday and the Math MAP on Thursday.  The  DRA testing will also be given   individually to each child throughout the week.
 Due to the assessments,  students will review  previously taught  skills in each subject area. Wwill not have a reading, math  or spelling  assessment  this week.   Students will still have a reading log to complete for homework; however, they will not
 have math or spelling homework.    

 Review Skills 
Reading:  Students will retell the sequence of major events using key details; determine the theme in a text heard or read.

Students will identify the character and setting, plot.  

Math: Students will use addition and subtraction strategies to add/subtract numbers.  

Science: Students will be able to draw conclusions regarding the ability for solids, liquids, and gases to retain their shape
Social Studies: Identify connections between rural, urban, and suburban communities.

Homework:  Tuesday - Thursday  
September 6-Cookie Dough orders due
September 7-MAP Testing (Reading)

September 8-MAP Testing (Math)

September 8-Open House 6-7:30pm 

September 9-First Friday Breakfast (Grandparents)
September 12-Fall Pictures (yearbook photos)

***Welcome  to our Class***

Foster Grandparent "Mrs. Leila Dixon"  
Mrs. Dixon will  be a part of our class each week
Monday - Thursday.    

             *  Beginning September 12th, I will no longer send home a paper copy of our classroom newsletter.  However, it will be posted to our classroom blog.  *   

*Communication folders will be sent home each Thursday and should be returned on Monday.

NOTE:  Assessments should be review, signed, and returned on Monday.   (Please place it in the pocket of the communication folder.)

*Student planners should be reviewed and signed daily.

   * Please remember to send  in your child a healthy snack to eat each day during independent reading time. 

    *  If you have not signed your child's RUP form, please do it as soon as possible. You may log into Parent Portal to complete the process. You may access Parent Portal from the Richland Two homepage. Once you are logged into Parent Portal, click on "Returning Student Annual Update" and complete the information. 

Contact Information
*NUMBER: 803-699-2981
(updated by Monday)
Please Subscribe to get the
electronic copy of our class email.