Saturday, October 29, 2016

The Daily News

October 31, 2016

     We just wrapped up our first week of testing.   Students did an AWESOME job staying on task.  They will continue to test this week.   The Iowa  Assessment will  be administered  from November 1st  - 2nd.   Students should get a good night's  rest to make testing go smoothly.   Homework  will be modified again this week.  Check your child's binder for their newsletter and homework assignments.

Skills for the Week

Story: One Grain of Rice
Reading: Inference, Generating Questions
Language Arts:  Long o (o, oa, ow, oe) 
Grammar: Possessive Nouns, Apostrophes
Writing: Narrative
Math: Place Value 
Science:  Force and Motion
Social Studies: Government

~Dates to Remember
November 1-2-Iowa Assessments
November 3rd Field Trip
We will leave around 9:15 am and return around 1pm.  If you signed up to chaperone, the cost is $10 which should be paid directly to the museum once you arrive. If you did not sign up and would like to attend, email me and let me know.
November 4th-First Friday Breakfast
November 6th-Daylight Savings Time Ends (Fall Back)
November 7th-Make-up Picture Day
November 8-Election Day (No School) Please go vote

Vocabulary Words    
*Students should learn the definitions and know how to use each vocabulary word in a sentence.
collectors - people who make collections 
store-  to keep
reward - something received in return for something done
double- twice as much
amount-  how many or how much 
clever- smart

***Students will take their reading comprehension  and vocabulary assessment on  Friday.

ELA assignments should be placed in your child's communication folder and returned on Friday. Math should be returned DAILY.  

Friday, October 21, 2016

The Daily News

October 21, 2016

     A BIG THANKS to those of you who were able to come out to Literacy Night.   We  had an enjoyable time!   Students were dressed in their creative book character costumes and participated in various literacy stations.   
      Once again it is time for testing.  Second  grade students will  be administered the Cognitive Abilities Test on  October 25th - 27th  and Iowa Assessments from November 1st  - 2nd.    Student should get a good night's  rest to make testing go smoothly.    Homework  for the next two weeks will be modified.  Check your child's binder for homework assignments.

Red Ribbon Week  will be October 24th -  28th.  Please click here  for activities that will take place.


Ms. Dailey

Skills for the Week

Story: A Tall Tale
Reading: Main Idea and Details
Language Arts:  Long i (igh, ie, y) 
Grammar: Proper Nouns, Compound Words
Writing: Narrative
Math: Place Value 
Science:  Magnets
Social Studies: Review

independence --freedom
landmark – important building or place
state -- one of the parts of a country
government – made up of people in charge of ruling a city, a state, or a country
symbol – something that represents or stands for something else

****Students will take their reading comprehension  and vocabulary assessment on  Friday.
They should know how to use each vocabulary word in a sentence.

ELA assignments should be placed in your child's communication folder and returned on Friday. Math should be returned DAILY.  

~Dates to Remember
October 25-27-COGAT Testing
November 1-2-Iowa Assessments
November 3-Report Cards Issued


Tuesday, October 18, 2016


Effective today, MATH Homework ONLY should be turned in day.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

The Daily News

October 16, 2016

     It was  GREAT seeing students return safely after the Hurricane Matthew break.  Our week was short, yet fun and engaging.   Thursday was our first STEAM DAY.   It went really well!   Students designed aluminum foil boats and predicted how many pennies it could hold before sinking.   It was amazing seeing students working collaboratively  to master this task.  This will be a full week  of school and I am looking forward to continued learning and fun.  Below you will find upcoming  skills and events for the week.

Skills for the Week
Story: Dona Flora
Reading: Cause and Effect
Language Arts:  Long e (e, e_e, ee, ea, y, ey, ie) 
Grammar: Plural nouns
Writing: Narrative
Math: Place Value 
Science:  Magnets
Social Studies:   Your child will receive a study guide on Monday  and will take the unit assessment on  Friday.   

Dates to Remember
October 18-Book fair begins
If you would like for your child to purchase books at the book fair, please send the money in an envelope with the following: book fair, student's name, my name, and the amount enclosed. (ex. Book Fair,  Nicholas Dailey,  Ms. Dailey's Class, $20) I will make sure your child visits the book fair to make his/her selection.
October 20-Literacy Night

  • Dress as your favorite character!
  • Shop at the Book Fair!
  • Parent Information Sessions!
  • Activities for Kids!
  • Books Giveaways !
  • Pizza!
October 20-End of 1st Nine Weeks  October 27-Report Cards Issued    

Vocabulary Words
(Reading Comprehension  and Vocabulary Assessment on  Thursday )
*****Students should know how to use each vocabulary word in a sentence.

Commotion:  a lot of loud noise or confusion
Rattled:  made quick, sharp noises
Respected:  someone you look up to
Shivering:  shaking or trembling 
Tangle:  in a twisted up mess 

*READING:  Students will receive a set of  reading passages to complete throughout the week.  You may complete these sheets in any order.    Please  use the  (Guide to Answering Reading Comprehension Questions)    when answering  each question which can be found in your child's binder.   All homework assignments should be placed in your child's communication folder and returned on Friday.  
SPELLING:  Students will receive a list of spelling words which will be attached to their homework packet.  They should  use their choice board  chart to complete an activity each night.   

MATH: Students will complete an activity sheet each night.  

Monday, October 10, 2016



Wednesday, October 12th:
Student will take assessments  
*Cookie Dough pick-up 2:00 - 6:00 

Thursday,  October 13th: 


Students will  take assessments on Wednesday instead of Thursday.

Cookie Dough  pickup is Wednesday, October 12th. 

STEAM Day is Thursday, October 13th.  

Sunday, October 9, 2016


I hope you and your family are doing well.  Our schools and district offices will resume a normal operating schedule beginning tomorrowMonday, October. 10, 2016  Below you will find a few updates....... 

*Thursday will remain an early release day for middle and elementary students. Middle schools will dismiss at 10:45 a.m. Breakfast will be served and a bag lunch will be provided if requested. Elementary schools will dismiss at 11:30 a.m. Breakfast and lunch will be served.

*Students will not have school on Friday as our teachers will participate in the previously scheduled District In- service.

*Our inclement weather makeup days have been scheduled for February 20March 17, and April 17, 2017.

*We will continue with  last week's  story, words, and skills.   Students will   assess on  Thursday.  

* Students will receive homework  for reading and math ONLY.   The spelling words will remain the same and students DO NOT  have to complete additional spelling homework assignments.  
Thank you and have a great week.


Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Ms. Dailey's  Class Newsletter                                                                 Wednesday, October 23, 2016                                        
Hi  Parents and Guardians,
     Due to Hurricane Matthew, school will be closed for the next 3 days.  While I'm excited to spend some extra time with my family,  I  will miss  having instructional time with my  students.  I'm sending out a few resources that you can use to help your child better grasp  math concepts  and   build their reading skills.  

     I know there is a lot of information below but the instructional time we are loosing is precious.  Please let me know if you have any questions!
Ms. Dailey

Math Concept: Making/counting with ones, tens, and hundreds:
Activities you can do at home to help reinforce our math concepts:Unit/ Module 3
  • Skip count when counting groups of nickels and dimes.
  • Count in a pattern while doing a rhythmic or repeated task - stirring pancake batter, brushing hair, putting away groceries, walking.
  • Roll two dice to make a two digit number. Subtract it from 99 or 100.
  • Represent two digit numbers with popsicle sticks - make bundles of ten for the tens and use single sticks for the ones.
  • Roll dice to make two or three digit numbers with a partner. See who can make the larger number.
  • Find or roll numbers and tell which place value each digit represents.
ELA Activities:
 Review Measuring Unit:

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Ms. Dailey's Newsletter October 3rd - 7th

Dear Parent(s)            We just wrapped up another exciting week.  Thanks for joining us at Chick-fi-A on Monday.  Everyone had great time.   Many students participated in Spirit Week.    They had fun showing their spirit for a good cause.    All  proceeds  will go to the United Way of the Midlands.     On Thursday, students had an amazing time on their  first field study to the Richland County Public Library.   They had the opportunity to explore a variety of books, engage in hands on activities, and watch a fun filled puppet show.    A special thanks to Mrs. McMasters, Mrs. Toomer and Mrs. Salvant  for your assistance. Please feel free to contact me if you  have any questions or concerns.  Thanks for your support.    Sincerely, Ms. Dailey

Skills for the week
Story: Babu's Song (Assessment on Thursday)
Reading: Character, setting, plot
Language Arts:  Long a (ay, ai) 
Grammar: Nouns, commas 
Writing: Narrative
Math: Place Value 
Science:  Magnets
Social Studies: Maps and  Land forms

October 5-Walk to School 
October 13-Early Dismissal @ 11:30am 
October 14-No School/Teacher Workday
October 20-Literacy Night
October 20-End of 1st Nine Weeks

*READING:  Students will receive a set of  reading passages to complete throughout the week.  You may complete these sheets in any order.    Please  use the  (Guide to Answering Reading Comprehension Questions)    when answering  each question which can be found in your child's binder.   All homework assignments should be placed in your child's communication folder and returned on Friday.  
*SPELLING:  Students will receive a list of spelling words which will be attached to their homework packet.  They should  use their choice board  chart to complete an activity each night.   

*MATH: Students will complete an activity sheet each night.  

Vocabulary Words
concern-something of interest or importance goalie-a player assigned to protect the goal or net in various sports figure-a shape or outline of something, especially in the form of a body vendors-people who sell something exclaimed-spoke out with strong feeling collection-a group of objects or works to be seen, studied, or kept together