Friday, August 30, 2019

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We have just ended another awesome week of learning and building classroom community. Students are working hard to follow procedures and do their personal best.   Next Monday, school will be closed in observance of Labor Day.  

MAP Testing
Students took their reading and math MAP assessments on Tuesday and Thursday.   Thanks for ensuring all students were present and on time each day.    Next week, we will resume with our normal schedule.  

Homework Update
In an attempt to ensure mastery of content being taught, I have decided to make a change with the homework assignments. Math assignments should be returned daily. Word study and reading assignments should be returned on Friday in your child's blue communication folder.    
Skills for the Week
Reading -     Main Idea and Text features
Writing - Narratives Math - Add and subtract fluently through 99
Science - Solids and liquids
Social Studies - Map Skills

* New reading books  will come  home daily and should be returned each day. 

*Reading: Reread Big Animal Vets
1. What is the definition for veterinarians?
2. List 3 ways veterinarians help animals.

*Word Study: Activity Sheet
*Math: Eureka Math Activity Sheet (Due tomorrow)

Wednesday*Reading: Reread Big Animal Vets
1. List 3 ways animals can get sick. Page 142.
2. How do veterinarians find animals to treat?

*Word Study: Activity Sheet
*Math: Eureka Math Activity Sheet (Due tomorrow)

Thursday*Reading: Reread Big Animal Vets
1. Why do Vets care for orphan animals? Page 162.
2. There are big animal vets all over the world. Page 17
Where do they work? What animals do they treat?

*Word Study: Activity Sheet
*Math: Eureka Math Activity Sheet (Due tomorrow)

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  • August 23rd - 8:30am Cookie Dough Kick Off
  • September 9th - Cookie Dough Fundraiser Money is Due
  • September 6th  - `First Friday Breakfast For Grandparents

Friday, August 23, 2019


Hooray!   Our first week of school was  fun and exciting.  Students  participated in  a variety of activities to help make their  second grade experience a success. Throughout the week they engaged in  community building activities, met new friends,  learned new rules and procedures, and began to work on basic second grade skills. I am looking forward  to having to a fantastic year with your child.   

Second Grade students will take the MAP (Measure of Academic Progress) test on Tuesday  and  Thursday.  This is a computerized  test which helps teachers, parents, and administrators improve learning for all students and make informed decisions to promote a child's academic growth. 

You should check your child's book bag  each Thursday for their blue communication folder.  Please read and complete all forms.  Folders should be  returned  each Friday.  If you need additional time with your child's folder, please let me know.  

Mrs. Leila Dixon  has joined  our class.  Mrs. Dixon will serve as our Foster Grandparent.
Please ensure that you child has a pair of headphones.  We will begin using them  soon.    

*Students may bring in a healthy snack each day. 
*Please sign and return the Students Emergency Information Form
*Communication folders should be returned on  each Friday.
* Homework will begin on Monday, August 26th.   Students should complete a reading, spelling and math assignment.   All homework should be returned each Friday in your child's blue communication folder.  
*Student planners should be reviewed and signed daily.

Skills for the Week
Reading-    Story Elements 
Writing- Narratives 
Math - Add and subtract fluently through 99
Science- Solids and liquids
Social Studies - Map Skills

HomeWork Assignments for the Week
Reading: Complete Activity Sheet Week #1
Word Study: Activity Sheet
Math: Erueka Math Activity Sheet
*All homework should be returned on Friday in your child's blue communication folder.  

Important Dates
August 23rd - *8:30am Cookie Dough Kick Off
September 9th - All Cookie DoughFundraiser Money is Due
Friday, September 6th - First Friday Breakfast For Grandparents

Image result for our  class wish list clip art
Quart and gallon size ziplock bags 

2 inch Binder with 2 pockets and clear plastic view

Clorox Wipes
August 23, 2019

Welcome to 2nd Grade!

Related imageSecond grade is an exciting time as children embark upon new adventures in the world of learning. This is a year of important transitions, as well as one in which the learning of new skills is accelerated. During second grade, your child will read a variety of books, write stories, add two and three digit numbers, subtract two and three digit numbers, and so much more. I hope to make your child’s learning experience a fun and exciting one and instill a love of learning that will last throughout your child’s years of schooling.

I believe that a good parent-teacher relationship is necessary for maximum school success. Throughout the year,  I will communicate with you through a weekly newsletter on my class blog, Class Tag, student planners, telephone calls, and parent-teacher conferences. I encourage you to register with Class Tag to receive reminders and important information about  our class.   Some registration forms were distributed during Back to School Night.  If you were unable to attend, you should check your child’s binder for their form.  You should also subscribe to my Blog Spot @ * to receive our class newsletter which will include homework assignments, important dates, weekly skills, etc.  It will be updated by Monday of each week.  

Your child will have a student planner that he or she will take home daily. Please go over the planner with your child and sign your name in the box for the correct day. It should be returned daily.   

I look forward to teaching your child and working with you to help your child achieve their fullest potential. Please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Loretta Dailey
Phone: (803) 699 2981 ext. 71205