Friday, February 28, 2020

Little Hare

March 2, 2019

Hooray! We have come to the end of another GREAT week! 

African American History 
Our African American History  Presentations   was a  success!  Students did and AWESOME job  presenting their speeches, creating their posters, and dressing as their hero!  A  special thanks to you for  your  continued  support!   I have posted pictures and videos on Classtag for you to view.   

CiCi's  Pizza  
On Tuesday, March 3rd @ 9:15 , we will have a field  study at  CiCi's  Pizza  in Sandhills.  During the  Lunch & Learn, students will  get a tour of the restaurant, receive a fun facts worksheet, and use scales, measuring cups, and rulers to solve problems while creating their lunches.  

Market Day
On Friday, March 20th,  students will have a wonderful opportunity to participate in “Market Day”.   This will be a great way to help students get a understanding of economics by creating a business plan, producing a good or service and selling it to their classmates in a “market place” setting.      Students received a copy of this information on Thursday in their blue communication folder.

Our Spring Picture/Class Group Picture day will be next week, Thursday, March 5th.  The only students that will take individual pictures are those who bring money in the envelope or those who pay online.   All students will be a part of the class photo.

MAP Testing

Second Grade students will take the end of the year MAP Test (Measure of Academic Progress)  at the end of March.  This is a computerized  test which helps teachers, parents, and administrators improve learning for all students and make informed decisions to promote a child's academic growth.  Below  is a site to help students prepare for success.   

This week’s reading selection: Hungry Little Hare

Summary: As Hungry Little Hare hops about looking for food, she encounters “invisible” animals all along the way. Insects and other animals hide from predators in grass, leaves, and trees.

Essential Question: Why do some animals need to blend into their environment?

DISCUSS with your child how his or her favorite animal might use camouflage to hide in its environment.

Image result for Vocabulary  words clip art

1. hind adjective -  at the back; rear
2. scent noun  - a smell
3. only adverb -  no more than; nothing but
4. snoopy adjective -  given to going about in a sneaky way
5. stump noun  - the lower part of the tree trunk left when the tree has been cut down
6. exactly adverb  - in every way
7. slender adjective -  not big around; thin
8. prying adjective -  trying to look or inquire too closely or curiously
9. wily adjective  - full of clever tricks y
10. blend verb  - to not be seen; to look like the background
11. tender adjective soft; delicate
12. drowsy adjective -  half asleep; sleep

Image result for homework clipart 

Reread the story of the week.   Complete Text Connections question 1 - 4  at the end of the story. 

*Vocabulary:   Choice Board Activity
*Math:   Eureka Math Activity Sheet 

* Grammar:  Activity Sheet 

1. How did Little Hare find the raspberries?
2.  How does the author entertain and inform in this story?

*Vocabulary:   Choice Board Activity

*Math:   Eureka Math Activity Sheet 
* Grammar:  Activity Sheet 

 1. What does the word invisible mean in this story?
2. Will Little Hare ever be invisible like the other animals?

*Vocabulary:   Choice Board Activity
*Math:   Eureka Math Activity Sheet 
 Grammar:  Activity Sheet 

Reading:  Re Read your story for the week.
*Vocabulary:  Study   

*Math: Eureka Math Activity Sheet 
* Grammar:  Activity Sheet 


February  27, 2020 
Dear Parent(s),
        Second graders are currently studying Economics “the science that deals with the making, distributing, selling and purchasing of goods and services.”  On  Friday,  March 20, 2020, 
students will have a wonderful opportunity to participate in “Market Day.”   This will be a great way to help students get a understanding of economics by creating a business plan, producing a good or service and selling it to their classmates in a “market place” setting.  Market Day will be a fun and exciting activity that will give students a hands-on experience of how the economy works.    
We look forward to this exciting day!
2nd Grade Teachers
1. Students must  complete and submit a business plan to their teacher by  Thursday, March 5, 2020.    
2. Students must design a “Market Day Booth” to advertise their business.   The booth must display the name of the business and the cost of the goods or services.  Cardboard boxes, poster board or file folders may be used to create the display booth.   
3. Goods and services must be priced between $.25  - $1.00 ($.05 increments).
4. Students should bring  in no more than $2.00 in change  to make purchases and should have a change pouch to hold their coins. They should also bring in a bag to hold their items that they purchase.     
5. Goods Requirements:   All items should be handmade.  Glass items, Store bought items, foods,  and beverages will not be permitted.  Students should make  5 to 10 (maximum)  of the SAME items to be sold.     
Examples:   bookmarks, keychains, birdhouse, jewelry, homemade toys,  pencil holder, etc. (see below)
6.  Services Requirements: Artist Session,  Shoe tying session, card game, etc.
7. Students should be well versed on their product.  They should be able to tell others how the product is used, why it is useful, and why they should purchase the product.  
8.  BE CREATIVE!!!!! 

Image result for crafts for kids to make
Market Day Business Plan
BY:  ________________________________          
Due Date:  Thursday, March 5, 2020 

Store Name - Be sure to come up with a name that will attract customers!


I will provide a Good  or Service (circle one) 

Name of Good or Service  ___________________________

Price - _______________  ($.05 increments up to $1.00) 

Materials Needed:
___________________________   ___________________________

___________________________   ___________________________

___________________________   ___________________________

This is an illustration of my product/ illustration.

Economics Fair Project Rubric                              
  (Return this sheet with the project)
I. Product
II. Selling of Product 
III. Pricing and Advertising 
IV: Presentation
25- Student develops a product to sell and brings more than 3 items on the correct due date.

25- Student sets up his or her shop neatly, sells the product in a friendly manner, collects money and gives change correctly to the consumer.
25- Items are priced in 5 cent increments. Student has a sign that is neatly made and includes the product name, cost of product, and a picture to represent what is being sold.
25-Student spoke clearly during presentation. Student was aware of what he or she was presenting.
20- Student develops a product to sell and brings 3 items on the correct due date.

20-Student sets up his or her shop neatly, sells in a friendly manner, but needs teacher or parent guidance when collecting money or giving change.

20-Items are priced in 5 cent increments. Student  has a sign that is not neatly made but does include the (1)product name, (2)cost of product, and (3)a picture to represent what is being sold.
20-Students spoke clearly during the presentation. Students showed some awareness of what they presented.
15- Student develops a product to sell and brings less than 3 items on the correct due date.
15- Student does not set up his or her shop neatly and has to be reminded to stay on task during the Economics Fair.  Student has hard time collecting and giving money without a lot of teacher or parent guidance. Student left their shop unattended.
15- Items are not priced in 5 cent increments or the sign does not include the product name, cost of product, and a picture to represent what is being sold.

15-Students speaking was somewhat unclear during  presentation. Student showed little awareness of what they were presenting.
10- Student brings a product he or she did not develop or does not bring a product on the correct due date. 
10- Student did not have a product to sell at the Economics Fair and therefore could not participate.

10- Student did not create a sign to advertise the product or did not bring the sign on the correct due date.

10-Student speaking was not clear. Student showed no awareness of what they were presenting.

*To ensure your child earns the maximum amount of points,
please concentrate on the top row (25 Points) of this rubric
when completing the project.*        Total:___________                                                               

Friday, February 21, 2020

Flower Pot

February 24, 2020

Hello Families!  

We just ended a great week of teaching and learning!  

Our African American History Presentations will take place in our
classroom on Tuesday, February 25th @ 9:30 and 12:00.

Wax Museum Project Checklist

❏ Practice saying the speech with personality and expression.
You want your audience to “believe” you are that famous
person. Memorizing  it would be GREAT!

❏ Decide what you should wear for your presentation.
Try to dress like your person.  Props should add to
your presentation.
❏ Look at the grading rubric to see how you will be graded.

❏ Bring everything (speech, rubric, poster and costume) to

school with you on the day you present.  

Big Idea: How do plants and animals help each other? Your child should think about ways each reading selection over the next six weeks can answer this question. 

This week’s reading selection: Flower Power 

Summary: From seed to blossom to seed again, a flower grows and makes new flowers. In addition to adding beauty to the world, flowers provide oxygen and food that people and animals need. 

Essential Questions: How do flowering plants use light and water? How are seeds spread?

DISCUSS with your child some of the ways that flowers are useful to people and animals. 

Image result for Vocabulary  words clip art

1. comfortable -adjective a pleasant condition with freedom 
2. develop- verb to grow or cause to grow 
minerals noun bits of rock and soil that help plants and animals grow 
3. nutritious -adjective giving nourishment; useful as food 
4. advance -verb to move forward carbon 
5. dioxide- noun a gas made up of one carbon and two oxygen atoms 
6. oxygen- noun a gas that people need in order to breathe 
7. exhale- verb to breathe out 
8. pollen- noun a powder made in flowers to help flowers reproduce 
9. produce -verb to make or create something 
10. transfer- verb to move someone or something from one place to another 
11. observe  - verb to make a careful study of

Image result for homework clipart


Reread the story of the week.Complete Text Connections question 1 - 4  at the end of the story. 
*Vocabulary:   Choice Board Activity
*Math:   Eureka Math Activity Sheet 


1. How does pollen get from one flower to another?  

2. Carbon dioxide enters a plant through ____________

3. Plants make food with energy from the  _______________

4. What are petals? 

*Vocabulary:   Choice Board Activity
*Math:   Eureka Math Activity Sheet 


1. What is a synonym for transfer in this sentence? The family will transfer their things to their new house.

2. Explain the difference between a seed and a seedling.

3. What do a plant’s roots do? 

*Vocabulary:   Choice Board Activity
*Math:   Eureka Math Activity Sheet 


Reading:  Re Read your story for the week.  

*Vocabulary:  Study     
*Math: Eureka Math Activity Sheet 

Friday, February 14, 2020

Image result for black history clipart

African American History Presentations  

Our African American History Presentations will take place in our
classroom on Tuesday, February 25th @ 9:30 and 12:00. Students received a hard copy of their speech this week.

Wax Museum Project Checklist

Follow these steps to complete your project:

❏ Practice saying the speech with personality and expression.
You want your audience to “believe” you are that famous
person. Memorizing  it would be GREAT!

❏ Decide what you should wear for your presentation.
Try to dress like your person.  Props should add to
your presentation.
❏ Look at the grading rubric to see how you will be graded.
Do you need to make any changes?

❏ Bring everything (speech, rubric, poster and costume) to
school with you on the day you present.