Friday, October 26, 2018

Candy Corn Wearing Witches Hat


Greetings Families!  

Students did a Fantastic job staying focused  and on task  during  (CogAT) testing this week.  Next week, second  grade students will  be administered  the Iowa Assessments on Tuesday,  October 30th  and Wednesday, October 31st.     The Iowa Test is designed to assess student achievement and progress.   Student should get a good night's  rest to make testing go smoothly.    
Report cards will be distributed on Thursday, November 1st.   Please sign and return the cover.  The report card should be kept at home.      

Students will  have a reading story for the week.  Assessments  for reading comprehension and vocabulary will be given on Thursdays.  Students are required to read each  test question independently (unless they have an IEP). Therefore, I encourage you to  speak to your child about taking their time and reading each question carefully.   They are allowed to use their book when answering their reading comprehension questions. 

Have a Fantastic Weekend!  

Skills for the Week
Math - Place Value
Science - Magnets
Social Studies - Government - Citizenship
Reading - Making Inferences
Grammar - Possessive Nouns
Writing - Informational Text

Story of the Week- African American Inventors

*Reading:  Re-read the story of the week and answer question 1, 2, and 3
 (Think and Compare)
* Vocabulary Choice- board
*Math: Complete math activity sheet

Write 2 facts about George Washington Carver.
Write 2 facts about Benjamin Banneker's.
* Vocabulary Choice- board
*Math: Complete math activity sheet

Wednesday Happy Halloween ( Tonight is Optional Homework)
Write 2 facts about Patricia Bath.
Write 2 facts about Sarah E. Goode.
* Vocabulary Choice- board
*Math: Complete math activity sheet

*Possessive Nouns activity sheet
*Math: Complete math activity sheet

Thursday, Nov. 1
Friendship Day
Report Cards Go Home

Friday, Nov. 2
First Friday Breakfast- Veteran's Day

Honor Roll Dance 2:00 pm

Friday, October 19, 2018

Image result for fall clip art

October 22, 2019

Hooray! We have come to the end of another GREAT week.  Students did an AWESOME job following directions and staying focused during instructional time.       

The next few weeks will be very busy for us as students take state assessments -  CogAt and  Iowa.    These assessments will be given October 23rd - 25th and October 30th - 31st.  The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) is a group-administered assessment intended to estimate students' learned reasoning and problem solving abilities through a battery of verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal test items.  The Iowa Test is designed to assess student achievement and progress from kindergarten through grade 8.  Information pertaining to these assessments was sent home on Wednesday.     Please ensure that your child is present and on time each day.   

Students will not have a reading story of the week.    Homework assignments will consist of reviewing previously taught skills.   Students will receive a reading and math activity sheet each night.   

Have a Fantastic Weekend! 

Thursday- CiCi Pizza Night (Sandhills) 6pm 

Friday, October 12, 2018

October 12, 2018


It was  GREAT seeing students return safely after Hurricane Michael.    Our week was short, yet fun and engaging.     Literacy Night will  be rescheduled at a later time.   I will update you once a date and time becomes available.   Below you will find upcoming information for next week. 

Skills for the Week
Story: Dona Flora
Reading: Cause and Effect

Language Arts:  Long e (e, e_e, ee, ea, y, ey,ie)   
Grammar: Plural nouns
Writing: Narrative
Math: Place Value
Science:  Magnets
Social Studies:   Communities

Homework is given each Monday and  should be returned each Friday in your child's blue communication folder.    

Monday*  Reading:  Re-read the story of the week answer question 
     1,  2,  3, 4.and 
*Vocabulary:  Choice board activity
*Math:  Complete an activity sheet 

*  Reading:  Re-read the story of the week and answer question below. 
1.   Who are the characters?
2. What is the setting?
3. What was the problem in the story?
4. What was the solution to the problem in the story?

*Vocabulary:  Choice board activity
*Math:  Complete an activity sheet 

1. What happens next after Doña Flor finds the puma?
2. How does the puma feel about Doña Flor at the end of the story? Support your answer with details from the story.

*Vocabulary:  Choice board activity
*Math:  Complete an activity sheet 


*Read a book of choice for 20mins
*Grammar:  Subject and predicate activity sheet
*Vocabulary (No Homework)
*Math:  Complete an activity sheet 

Dates To Remember Clipart #1

Friday, October 5, 2018

October 8, 2018

We just ended another GREAT week at Killian! 

Our Fall Book Fair begins on October 9th.   If you would like for your child to purchase books , please send the money in an envelope with the following: book fair, student's name, my name, and the amount enclosed. (ex. Book Fair,  Nicholas Dailey,  Ms. Dailey's Class, $20) I will make sure your child visits the book fair to make his/her selection.

Family Literacy Night  will be Thursday,  October 11th @  6:00pm.   The purpose of this event  is to make parents more aware of techniques they can use to make their child more literate.  During literacy night, your child can dress as  their favorite  book character, engage in various literacy stations,  shop at the Book Fair, and participate in Book Giveaways!  I look forward to seeing each of you! 

Skills for the Week
Story for the Week:  Babu's Song  (Assessment on Thursday)   
Reading: Character, setting, plot
Language Arts:  Long a (ay, ai) 
Grammar: Nouns, commas 
Writing: Narrative
Math: Measurement 
Science:  Matter
Social Studies: Natural Resources

Homework is given each Monday and  should be returned each Friday in your child's blue communication folder.    

*  Reading:  Re-read the story of the week and 
     answer question 1,  2, 3, 4.
*Vocabulary:  Choice board activity
*Math:  Complete an activity sheet 

*  Reading:  Re-read the story of the week and answer question below. 
1.  Why doesn’t Bernardi go to school like the other children?
2.   How does Bernardi feel about not being able to go to school? 
3.   What challenge does Bernardi’s grandfather face?
*Vocabulary:  Choice board activity
*Math:  Complete an activity sheet 

Reading: Re-read the story of the week and answer question below. 
1.   How would you describe Babu?  
2.   What are some of his strengths?  
3.  What does Bernardi do first when he gets to the market? Why? 
*Vocabulary:  Choice board activity
*Math:  Complete an activity sheet 

*   Read a book of choice for 20mins
*Vocabulary (No Homework)
*Math:  Complete an activity sheet 

Dates To Remember Clipart #1
Wednesday, Oct. 10   Cookie Dough Delivered

Tuesday, October 9th  Scholastic Book Fair