Friday, November 30, 2018

Christmas clipart holly berry #2  
December 3, 2018 


We just wrapped up another week of  fun and learning.   Students did a great job adjusting back to normal routines after the holiday break.     I am looking forward to another  GREAT  week beginning  Monday.  

Impact Aid forms were  sent out  on Thursday in your child blue communication folder.  All students who bring their forms in at least by Monday will qualify for the icee incentive. 

Mrs. Hair will be selling popcorn on Friday December 7, and Friday December 14.  Cost is $1 per bag.  Proceeds go towards our spring production: The Lion King

On December 14th, we will go on a field trip to EdVenture. Please allow your child to wear his/her Killian shirt. If you cannot locate a shirt, please school uniform. The cost for each chaperone is $11.50 which should be paid directly to EdVenture.

Our story for the week  will be Click Clack Moo.  We will focus on the skill of cause and effect. Students will take their  assessments on Thursday.    Please refer to the homework assignments  listed below.              

Skills for the Week
Story: Click Clack Moo: Cows That Type
Reading: Cause and Effect, Generating Questions 
Language Arts:  synonyms, r-controlled vowels (-or, -oar, -ore)
Grammar: Synonyms
Writing: Friendly Letter
Math: Place Value
Science:  Force and Motion
Social Studies: Government   

1. Who are the characters in the story?
2. Where does the story take place?
3. What skill did Farmer Brown's cows have that made them special?
4. Farmer Brown couldn't believe his ears and his eyes. Why not?
* Vocabulary Choice- board
*Math: Complete math activity sheet

1. Why do the cows want electric blankets?
2. When the cows go on strike, what do they do?
3. Why is Farmer Brown mad when the cows and hens refuse to give milk and eggs?* Vocabulary Choice- board
*Math: Complete math activity sheet

Complete Comprehension Check at the endof the story. Questions (1 - 3)
* Vocabulary Choice- board
*Math: Complete math activity sheet

*Reading: Activity Sheet
*Math: Complete math activity sheet

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

November 26, 2018

Family Literacy Night is scheduled for Thursday, November 29th @ 6:00pm.  During this event, you and your child will have the opportunity to engage in various literacy  activities.   I hope to see each of you.  

Our story for the week will be  Music of the Stone Age.  We will focus on the skill of author's purpose.   Students will take their  assessments on Thursday.   

Story: Music of the Stone Age

Vocabulary Words: impossible, treasures, talent, pleasant
Reading: Author's Purpose
Language Arts:  r-controlled vowels (-ar)
Grammar: Inflectional Endings, Past Tense Verbs
Writing: Informational Writing
Math: Place Value
Science: Force and Motion
Social Studies: Citizenship

Math- Activity Sheet
Vocabulary- Choice Board
Reading- Complete Comprehension Check  Questions 1 - 3 


Math-Activity Sheet

Vocabulary-Choice Board
1. Why did the author write this story?
2. What instruments are used to make your favorite kind of music?
3. How do you think music from the Stone Age was different from today's music?

Math- Activity Sheet
Vocabulary - Choice Board'
Reading - "Text Features"
1. Look at the TOP picture on page 392. What is the purpose of the Caption? (white writing)
2. What is the purpose of the map on page 393?


Math- Activity Sheet

Vocabulary- Choice Board'
Reading- Activity Sheet

~Skills/Units of Study
Story: Music of the Stone Age
Vocabulary Words: impossible, treasures, talent, pleasant
Reading: Author's Purpose
Language Arts:  r-controlled vowels (-ar)
Grammar: Inflectional Endings, Past Tense Verbs
Writing: Informational Writing
Math: Place Value
Science: Force and Motion
Social Studies: Citizenship

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Related image
Greetings Families!  

I will return to school on Monday.   Students will be assessed on the story Abuelo and the Three Bears.   This week will be very short and  we will not  begin a new  story.    Our  Thanksgiving Break will be November 21st -23rd. 

There will not be  21st Century on Monday and Tuesday.   Classes will resume Monday, November 26th. 

Family Literacy Night is scheduled for Thursday, November 29th @ 6:00pm.  During this event, you and your child will have the opportunity to engage in various literacy  activities.   I hope to see each of you.  

Friday, November 9, 2018

Image result for fall clip artGreetings!

We just wrapped up another fantastic week at Killian.   

Fall pictures were sent home today in your child’s binder.  

I will be out Wednesday, November 14th - Friday, November 16th.   Please speak to your child about being on their best behavior.    Reading assessment will be given when I return on Monday, November 19th.    

Family Literacy Night will be Thursday,   November 29th @ 6:00pm. 
 During this event, you and your child will have the opportunity to engage in various literacy stations.    
Skills for the Week
Story: Abuelo and the Three Bears
Reading: Summary (beginning, middle, end)
Language Arts:  r-controlled vowels (-ear, -eer, -ere)
Grammar: present-tense verbs, using commas in a series, 
Writing: Non-fiction (Research)
Math: Place Value 
Science:  Force and Motion 
Social Studies: Government (Rules and Laws)


1. The genre of this story is a fairy tale.  How do you know it is a fairy tale?
List three (3)examples from the text. 
2. Who are the characters on pages 362 - 363?
3 What is the setting time on 362?
4. What is the setting  place on 362?
Vocabulary: Choice Board Activity 
Math:  Activity Sheet

1. List 3 ways to show is Abuelo similar to  the story of "Goldilocks and The Three Bears"?
2. List 3 ways  to show how  Abuelo's  story different than the story of "Goldilocks and The Three Bears"?
Vocabulary: Choice Board Activity 
Math:  Activity Sheet 

Reading:   Complete Comprehension Check  page 381  Questions 1 - 3
Vocabulary: Choice Board Activity 
Math:  Activity Sheet


Reading:    Activity Sheet
Math:  Activity Sheet 

.Dates To Remember Clipart #1
Wednesday, Nov. 21- 23
No School
Thanksgiving Break

Friday, November 2, 2018

November 2, 2018 
Image result for thanksgiving clip art

Greetings Families!  

Wednesday was our final day of testing!  A BIG thanks to my students for staying focused and showing perseverance during the past two weeks. 

A  SPECIAL  THANKS to those of you who came out to our Veteran´s Day breakfast.  It was great seeing each of you.   

Report cards were sent home in your child's blue communication folder on Thursday.  The report card should be kept at home.  The envelope that the report was sent in should be signed and returned.  

Congratulations to those students who made the honor roll.  Certificates were sent home today in your child’s binder.  

Please check Powerschool to ensure your phone number. address, and email information is up to date.  

Students will have a reading story for the week.  They will test on Friday.    Homework assignments will resume as normal.    All assignments are posted below.   

Have a Fantastic Weekend!  

Skills of the Week
Story: The Alvin Ailey Kids
Reading: Summary (Main idea and details)
Language Arts:  r-controlled vowels (ir, ur, er)
Grammar: action verbs, antonyms
Writing: Non-fiction (Research)
Math: Place Value 
Science:  Force and Motion
Social Studies: Government



1. What is an expository text? 
2. Write three (3) details about the Alvin Ailey School.
3. What is the main idea of pages 334 - 335?
* Vocabulary Choice- board
*Math: Complete math activity sheet


1. Why did the author write this story?
2. Tell two ways Jasper and Whitney are alike.
3. Tell two ways Jasper and Whitney are different.
* Vocabulary Choice- board
*Math: Complete math activity sheet


1. Summarize (In your own words) what happens during Dress Rehearsal .
2. Summarize what happens during Performance Day.
* Vocabulary Choice- board
*Math: Complete math activity sheet


*Reading: Activity Sheet
*Math: Complete math activity sheet